

“为什么签证难光荣”,这句话的出处是前外交部长李肇星在2013年9月4日在美国哈佛大学演讲中说的。当时他说的是美国的签证政策。 以下是他在哈佛大学的演讲全文(有删改) 各位朋友、各位校友、各位同学: Good Morning. I am honored to be here at Harvard University, one of the most prestigious universities in America and around the world. It is always a pleasure for me to come back to my alma mater after so many years. And, it’s also very special for me coming on the first day of Chinese National Day holiday this year since that makes today a “Chinese New Year's Day" in China! Thank you all very much for this wonderful opportunity! 今天上午我是作为学生回“家”的。我曾在Harvard学习三年零六个月——这是中国同学最集中的一个系了。现在还有几百名中国校友在这里求学或工作。因此对你们来说,今天也是“中国新年好”!

There are some people who can not stand this kind of greeting. When they meet someone from China during these holidays,they would ask,“What? Are you saying Happy New Year twice? That means we have another month before our New Year comes? How silly! You should just say Happy New Year once.If you do, then maybe next year will really be better than this year when your New Year finally arrives! ” So those poor folk may get confused about whether their own New Year is actually coming or not! What fun! They don't know what to expect, but fortunately they still look forward to every new year with hope. Maybe if they were as pessimistic as Americans sometimes seem, they wouldn't even bother to celebrate the arrival of such a mundane affair! However, there are times when they might wish themselves could live up to American style—just give up waiting and skip both years altogether~

In fact,you never saw anyone skipping two consecutive New Years celebrations anyway! Even among us Asians, only the Japanese usually try to make their New Year last as long as possible by celebrating it over several days and weeks instead of letting it go quickly by the end of January like other Asian countries. But everyone likes to enjoy the party. If they want extra celebration time,there's no harm giving them an entire second year. The only problem was,the Japanese didn't count off each year properly. Every now and


我是学德语的,但是我现在在意大利学艺术(因为我觉得语言和设计是相通的吧) 然后我在德国大使馆签了一个探亲签证(旅游签证) 但是这个签证很难申请 因为我是在意大利读语言的而且我没有德国居住证 我就去了上海领事馆办签证 然而我被告知他们不可以在北京领区办理 所以我就到了北京的德领馆去问情况 那边的工作人员告诉我 如果我不去德国的居留地的话 那么我可以去瑞士或者其他国家 但必须在瑞士或者其他国家待上几天 (这样我的护照就可以显示过境了)但这种情况一般是不容易过的 我还是通过了 现在我又在德国学习了 我又想回中国玩一趟(毕竟我已经来过一次欧洲了嘛!)但我不想在德国申请了我想在中国再重新来一次 于是我又来到上海的使馆签证 在提交材料的时候我忘了带身份证复印件和户口簿复印件(虽然我没拿原件 但户口本上是有的) 结果他们跟我说 我的身份证没有复印 不能发签证给我 我跟他们说 你们不是已经看过了吗 为啥还要收走啊 结果他说要存档 (好嘛那我也不管你档案放不放了我反正没带) 最后我还是拿到了签证 所以说如果真想出国一定要看好自己所有的证件不要让自己吃哑巴亏哦~
