10年往返签证,5年内住满2年即可(累计时间计算包括旅游停留) 很多人因为对签证要求不了解或者没有仔细研究,以为需要住满4年才可以拿到永居,这是完全错误的概念!!! 关于10年多次往返签证的官方解释如下:
A valid Canadian visa allows the holder to travel and work or study in Canada, for as long or short a period of time as desired. The validity of each visa is indicated on the front of the visa; it may be either "multi-entry" (for example, "valid for multiple entries” for a period ranging from six months to five years) or "single entry”(for example,“valid for a single entry into Canada”).
The duration of stay within Canada for which this type of visa authorizes entry depends upon the conditions set out by the Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada(IRCC). In order to become permanent residents of Canada through the Federal Skilled Worker Program, you must have been physically present in Canada for at least two of the past four years during your working visa/study program and after obtaining Permanent Residence. This means that during your five year visa you can enter and leave canada many times but once outside canadian boarders you are forbidden reenter until having stayed for minimum of two consecutive calendar years in between visits without being a permanent resident. However, if you were not in canada for more than six months consecutively in any one year then they count all your days back together again for calculation purposes so say you left for three weeks off in august while in canada and came back september,you would now only need to spend another 394days in canada rather than the original 730 needed in total for full four years. Once you obtained PR status you will no longer be required to meet these strict immigration requirements although they might ask how much you spent in canada since first arriving.
So basically what I just said above was... If you go outside CANADA when still holding a visitor's permission, please make sure your visit doesn't exceed SIX MONTHS! If exceeding SIX month is likely,please try NOT TO do that! ^^; otherwise it’ll really mess up your plan~\(>o<)/~ For other types of visas refer to IRCC official site: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/types