这个题是2015年8月4号雅思A类考试真题,题目如下(回忆版) 试题分析: 这道题是经典的老题型了,就是描述一个现象然后让考生给出原因或解决措施。这道题的难点在于如何准确描述现象并找出合理的原因。
评分标准: 字数要求160字左右。重点考察学生运用英文表达思想的能力。
高分范文示例: In recent year the number of Chinese students studying abroad has been increasing sharply. Some say it is because we are striving for a higher education standard while others point out that money plays a vital role in determining who goes and where. However, what cannot be denied is that the quality of overseas universities has always been highly regarded by Chinese students. And more importantly, the return on investment is very good----highly qualified graduates with an international perspective and proficient English will be in great demand wherever they choose to work.
As far as I am concerned, I think this is mainly due to the fact that China's economic growth over the past three decades has created ample job opportunities at home. Therefore, many talented individuals do not have to seek education overseas just to further their career. On the contrary, they can make valuable contributions to society and improve their livelihood right here, where they were born and raised.