

1. 判断题(判断正误)

2. 多选题(选择题) 3. 填空题(填充题)

4. 简答题(解答问题)

5. 段落匹配题(段落标题)

6. 完成句子题(填空) 其中,判断题、多选题和填空题是必考题型,几乎出现在每一套雅思试卷中;简答题和段落匹配题偶尔出现,各出现过一次;完成句子题出现次数最多,一共四次。


1. 判断正误

This question type is pretty self-explanatory and requires you to make a yes or no response to the statement in order to answer it correctly. The statements are usually quite broad but need to be answered with a definite reply (either “yes” or “no”) in order to score points. If you’re unsure of how to answer then the safest bet is to go for the more general option e.g. ‘Yes, to some extent/degree’, rather than risking anything less definitive like ‘I would say…’

2. 多选题

In this kind of question there generally has to be at least two answers given by you. The questions can be long or short – as long as they ask for the right information! You have to give complete responses (don’t just pick out a couple of words or even sentences within the question) so that examiner knows exactly what you mean when you answer them. In some cases, your response needs to be in a specific format too-for instance, where the question asks about different types of volcanoes and gives examples of each one,you may need to name all three to qualify for a correct answer. Note that you might often find yourself having to combine two or more ideas into a single response, but this shouldn’t present any problems if you’ve done enough prep work before hand. And remember——the most important thing here is to get ALL OF THE INFORMATION INTO YOUR ANSWER; don’0t leave anything out!

3. 填空题

These are similar to multiple choice questions but instead of choosing from a list of answers, you have to write down the answer without using numbers, letters or words(so no writing ‘two’, for example). Generally, the answer will not be something that you can find in a dictionary or on a website, so you need to do some prep work prior to taking the test to ensure that you know what kind of word choices to expect.

For example, let's consider the passage below:

The word choice in line 7 can be either 'extents' or 'levels



1、多选一:多选一分为以下两类。(1) 题目中说明了要选择一个,选项为7个。(2) 题目中说明了要选择一个,选项也为两个。

2、多选多:多选多分为以下两类。(1) 题目中只给出了需要选择一些题,没有明确规定选几个,选项为7个。(2) 题目规定了需要选择三个,选项为6个或者7个。
