

先分享一篇学生刚拿到手的,被Wisc-Madison录用的PS,然后分享一个关于“如何写好ps”的讲座链接(免费)。 讲座链接: https://www.coursera.org/learn/writing-personal-statement 如果想要了解更多关于Coursera的课程,可以点击我写的这篇文章哦! 美国本科申请PS怎么写?这篇干货一定要看!!! PS的作用在于让招生官更好地了解申请者。一封出色的PS应该具备以下内容: 除了以上几点外,PS的书写还需要注意以下几点:

1、语言流畅,表达清晰,长短适宜。 PS是申请材料的重中之重,因此同学们需要在文书撰写上多费心思,最好能保证语言的自然流利,表达思路清晰。另外,PS不宜过长或过短,一般在600字左右为佳;如果语言功底较好,对申请的专业也较为熟悉的话,也可以尝试写更长一点的PS。但需注意,无论字数过多还是过少,都会影响招生官对申请者的印象分。

2、与申请专业相匹配。 这点无需多说,申请者需要根据所申专业的特点,在文书中展示出对于该专业的兴趣、了解的程度以及为何适合学习该专业等内容。

3、与申请者本人相匹配。 这一点主要是指申请者在文书中所呈现的个人特质与报考院校的要求相符。如院校看重学生的领导力,那么在PS中就可以适当增加一些相关经历;如院校看重学生的综合素质,则可以在文书中多体现自己的个性。值得注意的是,无论是突出个人特长也好,还是弥补缺点也罢,都必须是有理有据的,不可胡乱编造。

4、内容真实,切忌夸大其词。 有部分同学想在PS中为自己“锦上添花”,殊不知这样反而有可能弄巧成拙。招生官们有着丰富的经验,能够轻易识破申请者的小把戏,进而拉低申请评分。所以,大家还是得脚踏实地地准备申请材料,确保每一部分真实且适合自己。



Dealing with students with diverse academic backgrounds is an inevitable daily task all the teachers must be faced to. We must therefore be creative enough to cater for all, not only for those students that easily adapt to the teacher’s teaching style. This is where Mr. XXX really stood out of the crowd. Not only was he highly creative in his teaching approaches, but he also cared for all the students. He had a deep understanding of the students’ personal situations and he made a real effort to help them improve. This is to me a real rare quality.

I learned the lesson of the “helping hand” from him, which I put into practice as much as possible with my students. Mr. xxxx was an exceptional student that one sees once in a life time. His mastery of a vast array of subjects is just unbelievable. It almost seems like he does not need to study for a thing and still gets top marks. A lot of students (like myself) were jealous of his natural capabilities, but also motivated by his successes.

In our studies we were in competitions all the time, which was challenging but always fun. I really owe him a lot and I am sure that, wherever he may go, he will continue to inspire people. I wish him all the best for the future.
