

不喜欢,非常不喜欢! 首先,在正式答题前,考官会让考生抽题目和顺序号。我一共参加了4次雅思口语考试(分别是16年2月、3月、5月和9月),每次都是考前一个小时左右抽好题目的,不过顺序号每次都不相同。


最后,在考试最后阶段,考官会根据考生作答的情况给分数。 在整个考试过程中,没有“自然聊天”的感觉。而且很多考生反映,由于考试前准备的时间很短,所以很容易出现“大脑一片空白”“忘记下一句话该说什么”的情况。

我是比较幸运的,虽然每次考口语时间都不到半小时,但每次都能流畅回答所有问题。我想这应该得益于我每天花30分钟左右进行口语练习(Part 2&3),以及日常英文交流(电话、邮件等)。 所以我还是建议考生们平时多开口说英语,不要害怕出错或者不好意思。因为雅思作文和考试口语都是检验你真实英语水平的好机会。

关于雅思写作,据说今年雅思出了新题型,但是我没有赶上,运气不好。希望有明年计划的同学做好心理准备。 关于雅思笔试,我在16年春节前后分别参加了两次,一次是机考(17年内第4次),一次是传统手写(17年末最后一次)。感觉上机考会更顺利一些,因为不需要担心涂卡和漏题的现象,而且考试时间比较长(3小时45分钟),允许考生有足够的思考时间和打草稿的时间。





How often do you take exams?Do you enjoy taking exams? Do you think exams are important? Why?

I remember I used to take exams at least once a semester, when I was still a college student. I can’t remember how often I took exams during my junior and senior high school years, but surely, it must have been more often. I didn’t quite like taking exams back then. They often drove me to stay up late in order to prepare, which I didn’t enjoy. Now I like to be fully rested at night and wake up refreshed in the morning. Besides, I often did poorly in my exams. I felt disappointed, stressed and tired.

Exams are important, because they test what I have learned and how much I have progressed since the last assessment. They act like a mirror, which reflects my deficiencies and inspires me to make improvement. This helps guarantee my further academic progress and ensures my knowledge will be up to date.

Exams can also help motivate me to learn. When I know that an exam will be conducted soon, I will work much harder to prepare than before. This way, my academic performance is constantly under improvement and my academic level steadily increases, which I am happy to witness.
